Color Chart
For the hair colors, let's start from the basic colors.
The basic hair colors are from #1 - #4, these colors are dyed from natural black color and are the darker ones. And these colors look very similar from different companies.
* Picture took in sunlight.
* Picture took indoor without the flashlight.
And as you can see, #1 and #1B are black colors, #2, #3 and #4 are brown colors.
Basic Color Names:
#1 - Jet Black
#1B - Off Black
#2 - Darkest Brown
#3 - Medium Dark Brown
#4 - Medium Reddish Brown
For colors from #6, we normally call them bright colors, they can look totally different from different companies even they have the same names, because of the different brand of hair dyes and different color dyeing processes. So you'd better check the color chart carefully before ordering when you want to order the same color that not from the basic color collection but from different companies.
These colors are bleached from natural black.
The bright colors of our company are as listed below:
*Picture took in sunlight.
Bright Color Names:
#6 - Chestnut Brown
#8 -
#9 -
#10 -
#12 -
#14 -
#16 -
#18 -
#22 -
#24 -
#27 - Strawberry Blonde
#30 - Auburn (Looks browner compared to #33)
#33 - Auburn (Looks redder compared to #30)
#60 - Pale Blonde
#613 - Platinum Blonde
#99J - Wine Red
Except for the bright colors above, we also can customize some special colors, like red, purple or blue. Take a look at the amazing rainbow colors below.
EvaWigs Specially Offered Colors Names:
#130 - Reddish Brown (Looks browner compared to #135)
#135 - Reddish Brown (Looks redder compared to #130)
#144 - Ginger Blonde
#Green - Olive Green
#Purple - Plum
#Blue - Peacock Blue
#Orange - Pumpkin Orange
#Pink - Peachy Pink
#Red - Scarlet Red
#Burg - Burgundy Red
Color Customization
Some of our customers are confused about how to customize their loved hair colors, now we will begin the topic with a few definitions of the frequently used words.
1. Highlight Hair Color
A highlight hair color means there're some strands of brighter colored hair compared to the rest of the basic color.
This kind of hair colors is very popular in hair salons, it is dyed by first isolating select strands in the hair and then treating them with a hair color or lightener to make them lighter than their base/natural color.
When making a wig with a highlight color, we sew some strands of lighter color into the cap lace among the basic color hair, the amount of the light color hair is according to our customers' requests.
Picture: Olivia Munn Ribbon Highlights
2. Mixed Hair Color
For a mixed hair color, it is a way of making a wig hair looks more like a naturally grown blonde or brown hair, and sometimes with the purpose of a more personalized look. It is made to mix two or more different colored hair evenly together before hand-tying to the cap lace.
Picture hair color #12 mix #6 and with a 2" #6 root.
3. Ombré Hair Color
An ombré hair color is, hair is darker at the roots and becomes lighter at the ends, or vice versa, this can be only two colors or more.
Picture hair color: Caramel Ombré.
So how to customize a hair color?
Go to Custom Full Lace Wigs page, and click the wig you want to buy, and there will be a hair color option on the product page, if you not only need a basic hair color, then find the "Advanced color options", click the small button before it, then you can choose to customize a highlighted hair color, or a mixed color, even an ombré color. And you also can order a more complicated hair color that with both highlight and ombré or with other combinations.
And if you still have some questions about customizing a hair color, feel free to email [email protected].
Now, we almost have done, but before that, we highly recommend you to read the last article about color here: Understanding The Hair Colors.
Yes, you can send us the color you want to [email protected]
2022-03-01 21:51:12Hi Cristal, please take a look at this picture. #16 is Dark Honey Blonde; #18 is Beige Ash Blonde, and #22 is Light Ash Blonde.

2020-08-24 03:13:07Hi Nicki, if you don't want a red hue, both the two colors are okay, #60 is a kind of pale blonde while #18 is a kind of light brown.
2020-04-09 05:47:54Virgin hair means the hair has not been chemically altered in any way. This includes dyes, perms, bleaching, and other popular processes. Or, the hair will be classified to Remy hair.
2019-07-10 02:10:34Color #60 looks paler than #613, it looks like white blonde.
2019-07-01 00:41:09It's very similar to color 1B.
2019-07-01 00:39:04If you want your wig come with bleached knots, please leave us a message when placing your order.
2019-07-01 00:39:35Normally color #2 will be darker than color #3, and here are the pictures for checking. And there will be also a bit different because of the flash light, pls understand.

2019-04-24 20:32:58Normally we will provide bleaching the knots on full cap for natural black hairs. For color #1-jet black, is not available for bleaching knots, because this color is too dark and finished by several mixed color which we modulated. If bleached the knots on this color, it maybe damage the lace.
2019-04-09 04:43:38Pls check the colors as below. The first one is color #130 and it looks a bit lighter than under the sunlight because of the flashlight. The second is color #135, it's darker and more reddish than color #130.
2019-03-22 06:05:22Sorry for the late reply. Here they are one by one.
2019-03-14 22:08:01This is our updated color chart, and thank you so much for your suggestion, we will update the color name soon, we just updated our color chart, but haven't change the matching names yet, will update soon. Thanks again.
2019-02-18 01:45:51Natural black looks similar to #1B off black, and #1 is jet black.
2019-02-18 01:24:44Thanks for your love : ) And the dark root color of LFXL005 is color #3.
2019-01-15 21:26:08How about color #18. But, if possible, it's better to take a look at our color chart to find your favorite one.
2019-01-08 03:36:14They look similar indoor, but #6 is chestnut brown looks a little redder than #8 in sunlight, so it might be better to choose #8.
2018-12-06 01:11:27